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Hey everyone!

Sorry it has been such a long time since I last posted a blog. I don’t really know how to explain why other then I’ve been in a really sweet learning space with the Lord and I just haven’t felt ready to share what I’ve learned until now. So I will catch you up a little in this blog and then I’ll have blogs post regularly twice a week about the stories and things I’ve learned in Romania and Albania. 

 Last time I wrote I was just starting in Romania and now it is 3 months later and I am sitting at debrief preparing to go to South Africa for my last 6 weeks of the Race. Time has just flown by and trying to keep up has proven challenging, but these last 3 months have been truly incredible. 

Romania was largely a time of the Lord breaking me down in some bad habits I have had my whole life, including escape mechanisms and coping mechanism to hard circumstances. It was great, but incredibly challenging. 

Albania was the time of regrowth and has been the most beautiful country I have ever been too. Everyone we have met have been so welcoming and loving, the country is beautiful, and the Lord is so present just waiting for people’s hearts to open to him. I truly love this secret treasure of a country. This country has taught me a lot about the character of Jesus and God, as well as, clarifying what my future can be. 

Overall, the Lord has taught me a lot of patience, presence, and genuine kindness and hospitality. I felt so connected to the stories of the Bible during our time here and I can’t wait to tell you all why!

 Thank you for sticking around and being patient with me as I catch you guys up with what the Lord has been doing these last few months. I will start sharing with you guys the amazing things he has done on Sundays, and Wednesdays! 

Love ya’ll. 

3 responses to “3 Months Later…”

  1. You go girl!! It is so refreshing to me spiritually to feel your spirit as you race — remarkable Ashton to see God churning in you. I’m certain he is building you for even more.

    We love you girl — thanks for the update!
    Mark and Kim

  2. Ashton, enjoy your time in South Africa! That’s where we visited Leighton and it was one of the highlights of my life. Can’t wait to hear about your experience there.