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Walking in Faith

One of the many things the Lord has been teaching me these last 3 months has been how our daily walk with Him effects those around us. All the little “insignificant” things we do throughout our day plays a role in how the people in our lives feel. So I just wanted to take a minute today and share the thoughts I have had from experiences on the field in how people are effected by who we are. 

We will never truly know how we effect people throughout our life and our days. All we can do is walk each day out loving people for the pleasure of God. Our time in Vlore, Albania has really surprised me because we didn’t really do that much ‘ministry’, but people continually told us how much it meant that we were there, that we touched them, or that my story I shared was beautiful. None of these things seemed to make sense in my perspective because I didn’t feel that I had said or done anything worthy of those praises, but the Lord used our team to touch hearts.

I even reflect back on my time in middle school, high school, and college, where I would have people tell my family or share in a story or post how I had touched them or they had found Jesus through me and I would just be so surprised because I hadn’t done anything. I don’t say this to brag about myself, rather, to brag about Jesus’s presence. I was just living my life with Jesus and loving people for him and He was being glorified and people were being touched. 

So all I can do is love each day pleasing to the Lord and let Him touch hearts through my obedience. It seems too simple, yet it is that simple. Let go of the control and he will take over. 

I hope ya’ll are having a great day and that you are seeing Jesus move because He is moving. Keep on loving Him and loving each other because what a blessing! 

Love ya’ll.