Hey everyone!! What a crazy time we are living in! How are all of you doing? I would love to hear from you guys how you are holding up and how I can be praying over you during this time of uncertainty and unknown. I know how hard it has been for me to find the positives and the hope for the days to come, but today I realized how many blessings God has given me during this time! I am deciding to start focusing on the positives and find ways to share God’s love and peace during this quarantine.
So what are these blessings that I have seen in my life, you may ask? First of all, I have not spent this much time with my parents in years. This quarantine has allowed me to spend more quality time with and to know my parents better. How great is that in itself. Look at these quality photos of our time together during this craziness!
Another blessing I have seen during this time is God always provides! When all of this first started up, I was worried that I would not be able to fundraise enough to hit my first fundraising deadline. However, that thought was quickly dispelled when God showed yet again that he is my provider. He provides all that we need and he will take care of everything. I received a donation that put me right at the first deadline number right when quarantine was beginning. Praise for God and thank you to all those who have partnered with Him and me in this journey. I have hit my $5000 deadline.
The next blessing I have seen this last month is the amazing team of people god has placed on this race with me. With all the spare time, I have had the opportunity to talk with some of my teammates and know them better. It has been so inspiring and I am so honored that He is allowing me to be a part of His plans with this group of people. I have so much to learn from each in every one of them and have seen so much of God’s character in them. I have seen teammates with such pure and sweet hearts, teammates who are so encouraging and uplifting, teammates who are so funny and lighthearted, teammates who are so blessed with the gift of prayer and speaking, teammates who are gatherers and bring us all together. I love them so much already and can not wait to learn and grow with them for the next year and a half.
I have also been blessed to grow my relationship with my cousin Maddy and get to learn from her faith and watch it grow stronger with God. I have seen how her faith and relationship with God has changed her view on all of this going on now and those around her, and it has been so inspiring.
I have learned so much about leaning into Him during times of uncertainty and fear. How amazing is it that I can continue to learn all of this as I prepare for a year of choosing to live in uncertainty and trust in the Lord. Everything I am learning now can be used on the field during my year away and even now in everyday life here in the U.S. How incredible is it that we can learn everyday from God if we look for Him and are open to it.
I am going to stop here, but there is so much more I could share about God’s blessings. It’s easy to get caught up in the fears of the future and of COVID-19, but seeing all the things God is doing through this is so much more uplifting and brings peace. GOD IS SO GOOD! During this time I have seen what an incredible Father I get to know. I pray that all of you who read this can be blessed by Him and I would love to hear how you have been blessed during this time in the comments. Let’s praise God together.
Love y’all,
Brittany! That is so awesome! Thank you for sharing that with me and I’ll be praying that God reveals himself to you as you read His word!
This article has truly blessed and inspired me to focus on positive things God is doing in my life. Throughout this covd19 time, I thank God for giving me a mind set to read the bible. Beforehand I didn’t read the bible daily. But God is developing my understanding and trust in him. So I have been reading his word daily since the covd19 started.